Cast Iron Pipes
Cast iron pipes with socket, spigot and plain ends and are made in accordance with IS 1536 & BS 1211 (Class LA, A, B & D). Cast Iron Pipes are widely used for the transport and distribution of water, gravity sewers and force mains, water and sewerage treatment plants and industrial piping. Their primary use is, of course, in water supply systems. In an application like this, the most important factor is the reliability and life span of the pipe. Which is why Cast Iron Pipes take preference over other materials. Its properties make it an ideal piping material for underground, underwater and above ground installations. Advantages of this pipe include machinability which provides ease of field cutting and tapping, convenient pipe lengths for ease of installation and inherent corrosion resistance, assuring long service life.
Over the years pipeline designers have found positive advantages, which have weighed in favour of Cast Iron Pipes, over other pipes of different materials.
(1) Easier, faster and economical to lay due to :
(a) lower weight and quicker handling
(b) quicker jointing
(c) less expensive jointing
(2) Strong material requiring minimum attention to embedment and backfill with a high factor of safety against bursting.
(3) Much greater resistance to :
(a) damage to outer coating
(b) corrosion including pitting due to variable soil conditions
(c) external soil load and traffic pressure
(4) No welding necessary, thus saves extra cost.
(5) Lower cost in testing connections as compared to testing of weld seams.
(6) No need for cathodic outer protective coating which is difficult to apply to inter-connected-network and where overhead electric traction line or underground mines are present.
(7) 3 to 7' flexibility in alignment is possible for each Rubber Gasket joint.
(8) Lesser thermal expansion, thus no expansion joint necessary.
(9) Higher working pressure than PSC or AC.
(10) Can be modified at site by drilling, tapping etc.
(11) No bacterial effect on water and hence no health hazards.

(12) Low maintenance cost.
(13) Easy availability and thereby faster/timely completion of Project.
(14) Lesser skill, special tools, tackles etc. required for laying and jointing.
(15) Adaptability to standard fittings. Manifolds and fittings are readily available.
(16) Ability to thaw when frozen.
(17) Long proven life, more than 100 years. (Others have 50% or less life)
(18) Higher resale value as scrap.
Due to proven longer life and other advantages, as listed above, Cast Iron Pipes are ultimately cheaper as compared to any other material substitutes, whose initial cost may appear to be lower.
Cast Iron Pipes may be damaged due to improper handling and storage. The following handling methods/ precautions are recommended: Pipes should be unloaded by using a pair of chains with hooks (not one in the centre), the hooks being secured at each end of the pipe, thus ensuring uniform distribution of load on both the hooks and the chains. Where suitable lifting gear is not available and where the weight of the pipes permits, these may be unloaded from a lorry by rolling the pipes down over timber skids. During this operation, it is necessary to apply steadying ropes to prevent the pipes rolling down with excessive force and bumping against other pipes or objects on the ground. Proper handling is imperative to prevent the development of latent cracks in Cast Iron Pipes which lead to subsequent failure of the pipes while in use.